Legal Blogging

(Eric twitters by Purplime)

If you are looking for an online source that aggregates blogs, law reports, legal magazines, journals and more, then you should check out Insite Law Magazine Netvibe (sponsored by Wildy & Sons).

It's run by the tireless blogger, Charon QC, and notable twitterer. He writes, he interviews, he podcasts. I recommend him.

If you haven't yet tried Twitter...and I can see a suspicious what the hell look (memories of Mehitabel the cat here) coming across the physiog, then go viddy it and see. Sorry I saw Clockwork Orange yesterday: it's most infectious. (If ever a film was relevant now, then in our post-9/11 era, this is it.)

If you aren't sure what to do with Twitter and who is, check out David Pogue in the New York Times. I like Twitter. I don't know what to do with it though....
